The Dawn of Paleo

Mostly Recipes with a Few Insights about Paleo Life

Paleo Kid Conversion

on March 9, 2012

So, recently Mike and I have decided that the kids need to eat a little closer to paleo then they have been.  They are both good eaters and usually eat whatever I make for dinner.  Lunch is where we are struggling.  Riley (almost 5), goes to a private pre-school that will heat up her food for her, so it’s not as hard for her because she just gets whatever was for dinner the night before.  Alex (6 yrs), on the other hand, goes to a public school and likes eating breakfast and lunch at school.  Ugh, this kills me!  So, what we are trying to do is have him eat some breakfast at home (usually an egg), then he can still get something at school if he is still hungry.  Lunch is more challenging.  Nothing gets heated, so it’s a little more difficult to pack.  He likes egg-salad, tuna-salad, and ham rolls.  So for right now those are the staples.  I’m drying some fruit today as well to put in their lunches.

2 responses to “Paleo Kid Conversion

  1. Dawn – we have a dehydrator if you ever want to try doing the fruit in it. We used to do it all the time and make sort of a fruit trail mix. It was great!

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